The Hidden Costs of BigCommerce for B2B Businesses

The Hidden Costs of BigCommerce for B2B Businesses - DCKAP Commerce

In eCommerce, choosing a platform that grows with your business is crucial. BigCommerce stands out, especially for B2B companies. Over 25% of BigCommerce stores are B2B. They use features like special pricing, bulk discounts, and ERP system integration. This shows BigCommerce’s fit for B2B needs.

But there’s a big issue. BigCommerce frequently changes its prices. While this helps the platform, it disrupts business planning and profits. This is a bigger problem for B2B companies. They have longer sales cycles, larger transactions, and complex pricing.

As BigCommerce updates its pricing, B2B businesses face a dilemma. They must weigh the platform’s benefits against unexpected costs and budget issues. This article highlights the hidden costs of BigCommerce’s price changes. It shows how they affect B2B profitability. It also offers strategies to manage these challenges.

Understanding these issues and planning well allows B2B businesses to tap into BigCommerce’s strengths while reducing pricing risks. Explore how to manage these challenges and grow steadily in the ever-shifting digital market.

Understanding BigCommerce Pricing Structure

BigCommerce offers various pricing tiers to suit different business needs:

  1. Pro Plan: $299.95/month
  2. Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing based on business requirements

Each plan provides features tailored to different needs—like customer segmentation, abandoned cart recovery, and advanced API support. The Pro and Enterprise plans, ideal for B2B businesses, have additional costs tied to sales thresholds and custom needs. This adds complexity to budgeting and profitability assessments.

Hidden Costs of BigCommerce

BigCommerce bundles hosting with its pricing plans, so there is no need for separate hosting fees. Yet, there are extra costs to consider:

Transaction Fees

BigCommerce does not have an additional transaction charge. However, you still have to deal with the third-party fees that are added to the payment processors, including PayPal and Stripe. Each provider has its fee structure.

With PayPal powered by Braintree, negotiated rates between BigCommerce and the user will be the processing fee of 2.59% + $0.49 per transaction for debit and credit cards. If you use the Plus or Pro Plans, this rate can be reduced. Once a customer uses a credit or debit card for a purchase, these fees are immediately charged.

Apps & Integrations

You can boost your BigCommerce store’s capabilities with apps from the BigCommerce App Store. These apps tackle everything from marketing to inventory management and beyond.

In spite of the multiple built-in features of BigCommerce, you will still require some extra apps or integrations to manage your specific requests. However, the cost of the apps ranges from $9 to $50 per month, and they may also be pricier in practice.

Many of the applications are free, but the others are paid ones. Make sure to find out whether your chosen app would charge you directly, per month fee your bank might charge you, or both. Moreover, some apps may look like they are free, but you still have to pay for associated platform subscriptions. For one, the Mailchimp app is free, yet you must subscribe to a plan that costs $11 per month.


BigCommerce provides a variety of eye-catching themes to build effective online stores. You can choose from 12 free themes in the BigCommerce Marketplace. If you need something unique, premium themes are available for $150 to $300. These paid options offer more distinct designs but come at a higher cost.

If the themes available through BigCommerce are not what you actually prefer, you can look at external providers such as Themeforest. These themes are far more affordable than their BigCommerce counterparts.

On the other hand, if you can’t find the right theme with all the options listed above, you can also hire a developer to make a personalized theme that suits your particular needs for BigCommerce only.

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The Impact of Big-commerce's Frequent Pricing Changes on B2B Businesses

Let’s explore how frequent pricing changes affect B2B businesses of BigCommerce and how they affect profitability, budgeting, operational efficiency, customer relationships, and competitive positioning. Through better comprehension of these, B2B companies can deal with the challenges of price stability and take smart actions.

Profitability Challenges

In B2B commerce, keeping profitability in check is a tricky task. BigCommerce’s frequent pricing changes complicate this further. B2B businesses often work with tight profit margins and complex pricing structures. These fluctuations can have major effects.

Let’s explore how these pricing changes impact profit margins, force pricing adjustments, and affect customer trust.

Unstable Profit Margins

BigCommerce’s pricing changes can greatly disrupt B2B profit margins. These businesses often work with tight margins, sometimes as low as 5-10%. Even a small fee increase can hit these margins hard. For instance, if a B2B business has a 10% profit margin and BigCommerce raises fees by 2% of revenue, it could slash the profit margin by 20%. This is a big hit and hard to fix quickly. Plus, the unpredictability of these fee changes makes it tough for businesses to plan and adjust.

Pricing Adjustments

To handle rising platform costs, B2B businesses might need to tweak their pricing. But this isn’t simple in the B2B world.

Unlike B2C firms that can adjust prices swiftly, B2B companies juggle long-term contracts and intricate pricing. Their models often include volume discounts, tiered pricing, or custom quotes for each client.

Frequent price changes can cause several problems:

  • Administrative Burden: Constantly updating price lists, recalculating quotes, and informing the sales team takes a lot of time and resources.
  • Client Confusion: Regular price changes can confuse clients and make budgeting difficult.
  • Negotiation Challenges: Sales teams may struggle to close deals if prices keep changing, as clients might wait for better rates.

Customer Trust

In B2B transactions, long-term relationships and trust are key. Frequent price changes, especially increases, can erode this trust. Clients might doubt the value of the business if prices keep shifting, which could lead to losing customers. Accenture found that 80% of B2B buyers have switched suppliers at least once in 24 months due to frustrations like pricing and service mismatches.

To address this, businesses should clearly and transparently communicate pricing changes. However, this takes extra time and resources.

Budgeting and Financial Planning Complications

The unpredictability of BigCommerce’s pricing structure poses significant challenges. It disrupts budgeting and long-term financial planning. This affects daily operations and strategic growth initiatives.

Budget Revisions

BigCommerce’s pricing changes can disrupt B2B budgeting. Companies often set annual or quarterly budgets, forecasting resources based on expected costs and revenues. Unpredictable fees from the e-commerce platform can throw this planning off balance. Financial managers may find themselves revising budgets repeatedly. This can lead to:

  • Time Consumption: Constant budget revisions are time-consuming and divert focus from other key financial tasks.
  • Resource Reallocation: Unexpected fee hikes may force a shift of resources from areas like marketing or R&D.
  • Stakeholder Communication: Frequent budget changes require updating and getting approval from stakeholders, which can be complex and frustrating.

Potential Overruns

Unexpected price hikes from BigCommerce can cause budget overruns. This is especially tough for B2B businesses with tight margins or strict budgets.

Budget overruns can lead to:

  • Profitability Issues: Going over budget can turn profits into losses.
  • Investor Relations Problems: For public companies or those with investors, overruns can hurt credibility and impact stock prices or funding.
  • Emergency Measures: Businesses might need drastic cost cuts to manage overruns. This could mean reducing staff, cutting marketing, or delaying investments.

Long-Term Planning Challenges

B2B businesses often plan finances for 3-5 years or more. These plans are key for strategy, expansion, and investment. However, frequent changes in e-commerce platform fees can make these projections unreliable.

This can lead to several issues:

    • Strategic Misalignment: Frequent cost changes can lead to poor decisions and derail long-term plans.
    • Investment Challenges: Unreliable forecasts complicate securing investments or loans, as lenders depend on these projections to assess risk.
  • Growth Planning: Unpredictable costs complicate growth plans. Businesses may hesitate to expand if they’re unsure of future expenses.

Operational Disruptions

BigCommerce’s pricing changes can disrupt B2B operations significantly. These fluctuations impact how resources are allocated and how strategies are adjusted.

Resource Allocation

Every time BigCommerce updates its pricing, B2B businesses must dedicate significant time and resources to respond. This process involves several complex steps:

  • Financial Analysis: The finance team evaluates how the changes impact current and future budgets.
  • Technical Evaluation: IT assesses how the new pricing affects usage and if technical adjustments are needed.
  • Strategic Review: Management decides if the new pricing requires changes in platform use or if alternative solutions are needed.
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment: These teams need updates on how pricing changes affect strategies and customer communication.

Strategy Adjustments

BigCommerce’s pricing changes might force B2B businesses to tweak their e-commerce strategies. These adjustments can be broad and disruptive:

  • Feature Utilization: If certain features become pricier, businesses may need to rethink their use and possibly cut back on some online aspects.
  • Sales Approach: As costs rise, businesses may need to pivot to high-margin products or services to offset increased expenses.
  • Customer Segmentation: Companies might reassess profitable customer segments and tweak their targeting strategies.
  • Automation: To manage higher costs, investing in automation can reduce manual e-commerce tasks.

Contract and Client Relationship Complications

BigCommerce’s pricing volatility poses major challenges for B2B businesses. It disrupts stable contracts and complicates client relationships.

Long-term Contract Challenges

BigCommerce’s pricing volatility creates hurdles for B2B businesses with long-term contracts:

  • Pricing Uncertainty: Fixed pricing commitments become tough when costs are unpredictable.
  • Contract Duration: Businesses might need to offer shorter contracts, which can be less attractive and increase negotiation frequency.
  • Pricing Models: Shifting to flexible models, like cost-plus pricing, can handle fee increases but may be less appealing and harder to manage.

Mid-term Renegotiations

BigCommerce’s price hikes can force B2B businesses to renegotiate contracts. This situation brings several challenges:

  • Client Resistance: Clients may push back against unexpected or frequent price increases.
  • Relationship Strain: Renegotiations can strain client relationships, risking loyalty and potential loss.
  • Competitive Vulnerability: Competitors might seize the chance to attract clients with more stable pricing.

Administrative Burden

Frequent contract negotiations and revisions add to the administrative load for B2B businesses:

  • Legal Costs: More revisions mean higher legal fees due to increased involvement from legal teams.
  • Sales Team Productivity: Sales teams spend more time renegotiating contracts, reducing focus on new business development.
  • Client Communication: Managing contract changes demands more communication, which can strain client relationships if not handled carefully.

Strategies for Managing Pricing Challenges

To navigate BigCommerce’s pricing complexities, B2B businesses can employ these strategies:

  1. Conduct Thorough Market Research: Analyze competitors and market trends regularly. Compare pricing strategies to stay competitive and protect profitability. Understand customer value perceptions to justify prices and maintain an edge.
  2. Implement Flexible Pricing Models Use adaptable pricing options like subscriptions or volume discounts. Tailor pricing with BigCommerce’s custom quotes to meet diverse customer needs and enhance satisfaction.
  3. Monitor and Adjust Budgets Regularly Keep budgets dynamic. Regularly review and adjust to handle pricing changes and sales fluctuations. This ensures agility and stability without sacrificing profitability.
  4. Enhance Customer Communication Communicate price changes clearly and transparently. Inform customers proactively about adjustments and emphasize the value of products to justify costs and ease concerns.


BigCommerce’s pricing shifts pose major challenges for B2B businesses. They can disrupt profitability, budgeting, and operations. Hidden costs, like unstable margins and increased admin tasks, affect planning and client relations.

However, businesses can manage these issues by conducting in-depth market research, adopting flexible pricing models, regularly adjusting budgets, and maintaining clear communication.

For a more stable and predictable pricing model catered for B2B needs, consider DCKAP Commerce. It offers comprehensive features and a company-centric approach, ensuring steady growth and a competitive edge in the digital market without the risk of pricing instability.

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