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Recap of 4th Chennai Magento Meetup

Mohan Natarajan
January 11, 2016 |

We are passionate about Magento and do our ‘little bit’ to share our learning with the Magento community in Chennai, India.  It is our goal that by nurturing relationships among Magento users in Chennai we can grow this meet-up into a vast knowledge base and strong community to drive the Magento development scene.

DCKAP organizes Magento meet ups regularly and the 4th Chennai Magento meetup happened on 9th Jan, 2016 in Chennai, India.

After a short welcome speech by Gayathri, the meet up opened with a meet-and-greet session, during which the participants were encouraged to introduce themselves and offer an elevator pitch about them and their work.

This is the first meet up after the launch of Magento 2 . There was palpable excitement and enthusiasm to share experiences on Magento 2 , its features and the advantages and challenges of implementing the same.

A Quick Look at the Sessions

The speaker session started with a presentation by Amala , on “How to create the Modules in Magento 2‘. The presentation explained the structure of Magento 2 and the advantages of Magento 2 module structure over Magento 1.x versions.


The second session was a presentation by Jayakanth, about “Static File Processing and Fallback mechanism in Magento2“.   The presentation was focused on how the theme fallback works in Magento 2.

The session after the tea break was a presentation on ‘Data Migration: Magento 1.x to 2.x’ presented jointly by Suresh and Mohan. The speakers delved deep into the technical intricacies and challenges of migrating from 1.x to 2.x.

Events are great places to learn and network with developers, designers and merchants.  ‘Magento Events – A Sure way to Success”   by Andrew discussed the importance of attending events like ‘Imagine commerce’ and ‘Magento Live’.  The role played by Magento U in training and certifying developers was also discussed.

The final tech presentation was made by Bala on ‘Magento 1.x to 2.x Extension Conversion‘ that covered what every developer needs to know about converting M1 extensions to M2 extensions.

Kavitha thanked the attendees for their wholehearted support and participation . This  was followed by a photo session with the folks who attended the meet.IMG_5235

Looking forward to meeting you and creating another awesome meet up soon!

Our Previous Meet Ups

Mohan Natarajan

Mohan heads the professional services division and is a Practice Leader at Klizer. Within a span of 7 years, Mohan has acquired all four Magento Certificates and offers impeccable knowledge in the Magento platform, and has evolved as a Solution Architect, developing a handful of Magento Extensions for numerous B2B customers. In addition to being an active member of Chennai Magento Community, he leads the Chennai Magento Meetup events. He is keen and proud to serve the eCommerce Community, thanks to his boundless expertise in the ecosystem. Furthermore, he was honored as one of the top contributors in the 2017 Magento Live India event and 2018 Meet Magento India event. Being a huge fan of the Magento Community, Mohan is glued to Twitter and LinkedIn. Loves to surf and play Table Tennis, when not working in eCommerce projects.

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