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Promotion Extension to Drive Traffic and Loyalty

Jayakanth R
April 12, 2016 |

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Customers love promotions because customers love to save money.

A promotion offers an incentive for a customer to make a buying decision sooner rather than later, or to choose one product or seller over another.

That said, there is much to leverage when you’re able to facilitate successful promotions to your Magento store. If done right, you can tap into your existing client base in a smart and meaningful manner and attract new, high-converting shoppers to your business at the same time.

Why Promotions?
  • Encourages customers to return
  • Attract new customers
  • Attracts more customers to the website.
  • Promote a new product
  • Encourage customer to try a new product 
A survey by RetailMeNot  found that 89% of consumers seeking deals said that promotions “triggered an online purchase.” 


offers merchants the ability to run promotions in their store. Merchants can create any number of promotions based many different conditions. Merchants can run promotions for a single day or for a period of days/months/years or even for unlimited time span.

Why You Need the “Happy Hours” Extension?

At times, merchants may have the need to run a promotion for a smaller period of time – say a few hours or even minutes.(i.e.) Magento Hourly Promotions. The merchants may do this to create an ‘urge to buy now’ and also to accelerate the purchase process of the customer.

Unfortunately, Magento doesn’t provide the ability to run the promotions for a period of hours/minutes. In order to fill this gap, Klizer Store launched Happy Hours extension – a promotion extension to drive traffic and loyalty.

Happy Hours extension allows the merchants to define the start and end time of the promotion or campaigns on any particular day/date. The promotion can start and end in a single day or it could extend to another date/day in the future. This extension allows the merchant to include the time along with the date.

Happy Hours Extension – Benefits
  • Ability to run campaigns/promotions for a certain period of time
  • Supports both shopping cart rule promotions and catalog rule promotions
  • Increases sales
  • Engages website traffic at low traffic hours by running promotions
  • Helps to increase repeat visitors to your store. 

Happy Hours Extension has been approved by Magento Connect and is also available in Klizer Store.

Read full feature of Happy Hours extension


Jayakanth R

Jayakanth Rajan, (aka) Jay, is a Magento Developer Plus and Magento Front End Developer certified Software Engineer. Jay is a Magento U Authorized Instructor as well as a Magento enthusiast. He is passionate about developing Magento extensions and is always scouting for the next big product idea.

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