Launches revamped website
Product development, software services and technology consulting company DCKAP launched its revamped website
With all new, attractive layout and graphics, the site has also added details of several new services the company is now offering. DCKAP has recently forayed into offering services for a range of industry verticals, including the retail and consumer products, banking, financial and insurance services, and healthcare sectors.
Going live on June01, 2011, DCKAP’s sixth anniversary, the site has more than just a nice makeover and now carries complete, updated information on all its pages. It has superior navigation – looking up any of the number of diverse services and products that DCKAP offers is a breeze – from Android mobile apps development all the way to agile BI consulting in Pentaho. Whether it is open source customization or infrastructure management and linux server admin, the site provides helpful information on its pages.
Winning client appreciation has been a regular habit with DCKAP’s visioneers. Come, give the new site your Google +1 today.
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